Hi Emma. You're right...it is all about community. And not just sharing the latest life hacks. If one good thing has come out of my diagnosis it's the people I've met. We've commiserated together, eaten and drank together, participated in fundraisers and social events. Sure there are a few Debbie Downers, but for the most part, everyone has been a blessing since I can just be myself as can they. We truly are in this together if we want to be. Keep up the good work!
Hiya Emma - thank you for this. I soooo agree with what you say about community. It’s given me far far more than expected through reading, writing and sharing. Sad, and limiting though that health professionals I come in (real life) contact with are nearly always negative about it, warning me how dangerous it can be. They miss the point! x
I totally agree! We as patients understand that the disease is degenerative and incurable but we should still be allowed fun and positivity around it! xx
Hi Emma. You're right...it is all about community. And not just sharing the latest life hacks. If one good thing has come out of my diagnosis it's the people I've met. We've commiserated together, eaten and drank together, participated in fundraisers and social events. Sure there are a few Debbie Downers, but for the most part, everyone has been a blessing since I can just be myself as can they. We truly are in this together if we want to be. Keep up the good work!
Thank you ❤️
Hiya Emma - thank you for this. I soooo agree with what you say about community. It’s given me far far more than expected through reading, writing and sharing. Sad, and limiting though that health professionals I come in (real life) contact with are nearly always negative about it, warning me how dangerous it can be. They miss the point! x
I totally agree! We as patients understand that the disease is degenerative and incurable but we should still be allowed fun and positivity around it! xx