Thanks for the travel tips, Emma. First flight in 7 years next weekend. I’ve swallowed my pride and arranged airport assistance. Means getting wheeled around and an “ambulift” into the plane. And I’ve taken away another flight worry by purchasing Tena. They’re not exactly Calvin Klein, but my ability to “hold it in” ain’t what it used to be!

I’m also worried about staying in a hotel room with wife and daughter for 10 days. I sleep really poorly and need my “escape” routines such as going downstairs to living room. Otherwise I get claustrophobic.

Having said all that, I’m determined to enjoy!

You’re so right about Parkinson’s payback. Any social occasion knocks me flat for days. Socialising is EXHAUSTING. My friends are becoming used to me bailing after a couple of hours.

I’ll let you know how it all goes 🙂

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Most welcome and I hadn’t thought about the loo...something I struggle with now as well. I hear you about the hotel room, I would be worried as well, I wander around my house at night like some sort stottering ghostie. Have a great time xxx

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Who let you in my house? Sounds a lot like my days! Anyway, have you tried a sock pull-on “device”, for lack of a better word? I used it when I had back surgery in February, and it really helped! So did an extra long shoe horn. Both on Amazon for nottalotta $$.

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haha! Ah I have heard of them but had sort of forgotten...I’ll check them out, thank you!

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We share a lot of symptoms and experiences, despite our different diagnoses, and you always make me laugh about things - no matter how fed up I am xxxx

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Ha! Thank you. Yep one chronic illness to another seems to have a lot of similarities x

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