Aug 9, 2022ยทedited Aug 9, 2022Liked by Emma Stubbs

Hi Emma. I have to agree with Johnny to a certain extent. I can remember cold war drills where we got under our desks or out in front of our lockers with our head between our knees in the to save us from a nuclear holocaust.

I am very concerned about the state of the world, and unfortunately, the more I worry about it the worse my PD symptoms get. Extremism is far worse than any time I remember with the 10% on the two ends of political spectrum dictating the way things go. Recycle/reuse is wonder, but it's hard to pull yourself up by your bootstraps when you can't afford boots. Somehow we need to get the message across that social programs and socialism are two totally different things. We need to look out for each other. IMO, Jimmy Carter (one of our least effective Presidents but one of our best former Presidents) said it best: "The measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens". Darwinian survival of the fittest may work for the animal kingdom, but empathy is what is supposed to separate us from the beasts. I hope...I volunteer...I vote. Somehow we need to get the 80% in the middle to do likewise. Hang in there. You have friends around the globe.

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Thank you, Fred. I totally agree and compassion is definitely the key to so much of this!

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Emma Stubbs

I can't help but think that every generation thinks the world is going to fall on their head. The threat of nuclear war, long hair, rock n roll, drugs, ww2, communism, consumerism - all have been used as reasons that the end is nigh.

Granted climate change is serious & action is urgently required but I think positively, in the hope of a positive outcome my children's lives, that governments seem to finally be coming on board with making the right decisions to halt/reverse.

But, otherwise, I don't think our generation is facing any worse or better issues than any other.

But, in the end, what can i/we do? Buy carefully with consideration of the way the products are made & their affect on the world, be kind & respectful to all people and try to leave those around us better of than if we hadn't been here. Anything outside of my range of influence, I have learned to accept & let it go.

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I agree about what you can control versus what you can't! I wonder where the tipping point is for the world, or if it as you say, just a perception that each generation experiences.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Emma Stubbs

Hope i didn't Infer that climate change shouldn't be taken lightly. It is serious & could be catastrophic but i think it's used as part of a "we're going to hell in a handbasket" narrative which is harking back to a rose tinted view of our childhoods (like every generation & completely understandable). ๐Ÿ™‚

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I didn't think you implied that ๐Ÿ˜Š! I agree that narrative is used to create a sensation of chaos and therefore, panic.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Emma Stubbs

Frankly? It terrifies me xx

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