Thank you for the messages and love. I am resting as much as I can allow myself (ahem), and slowly getting better!
If you follow me on Twitter, that unique hellscape where nice things can be found if you use the block button profusely enough, you will know I am ill.

And frankly, I’m deeply annoyed, as in proper fucking-end-of-tether-pissed-off. I want to scream at the top of my voice - except my throat is rougher than a 6 am tequila shot and I feel dizzy. I don’t need to tell you that one crap illness is quite enough for one lifetime. Universe take note 📝: that’s enough.
But mainly I’m a bit bored. So rather than bitch about stuff, I thought I’d share a bit of an insider glimpse into my home and life. Also, writing is very hard on my brain this week!
This is me…sometimes I have red hair sometimes I stick to my natural fair and sometimes it’s a wild mix of the two!
I love Halloween, cooking dishes from all over the world and flowers…picking wildflowers, filling the house with flowers and being given flowers. R is a master flower-giver.
I’m a bit of a pyromaniac, this maniac is our rescue collie, Tika. And I’m known for doing some art.
We live in Scotland and try to use all the beautiful places as much as possible.
I am lucky to live with a coffee nut so have an endless supply of sexy coffee from a variety of machines!
And of course, there’s wine.
with love
Emma x
sending warm blessings for a complete recovery!
Thanks for sharing these great pictures. Hope you're feeling better.