Welcome 👋🏻 Thank you for all your lovely emails about the season finale of Tumbled. And a HUGE thank you for the tips you are so generous! ❤️
As a person with Parkinson’s, I am an advocate of ‘no news is good news’…at least for my condition! Stress or more accurately distress equals all sorts of symptom madness.
During the pandemic, we were all devouring news. A bid to feel less powerless, a sense that if we knew where the virus was we could metaphorically, outrun it. It seems we have dipped in our news consumption, even with the events in Ukraine. I think fatigue has an awful lot to do with it, plus a widespread cynicism. I don’t know about you but I am sick (quite literally) of the salacious reportage of corruption, death, scandal, mismanagement and contempt for humanity that spews forth from our screens and print.
What about the news that surrounds Parkinson’s?
In a week that has offered us the World Health Organisation’s Parkinson’s Disease technical brief and the peculiar reporting on Ozzy Osbourne’s recovery…from Parkinson’s? (There are some bets that it is DBS surgery he has received that hopefully will make his life more functional, but sadly not recover.) It highlights the range of ‘news’ about our condition we are exposed to.
Then there is the Twitter/Facebook/Google search information overload. I’m sure we’ve all seen the ‘I cured my Parkinson’s with a stick of celery and Tibetan prayer bells’ crap. Or, my personal favourite, ‘Potential Cure! Scientists find if you isolate one nano cell, add a cocktail of unicorn juice and wait 50 billion years…’
All these headlines, clickbait and genuine research articles lead to a sense of false hope, disappointment and frustration. To be fair that’s on us, we are the ones who have to limit the intake! But it is hard not to be pray to something which mean we don’t have live with this awfulness any longer.
I thought I’d share the Parkinson’s writing and information that I have found helpful, uplifting and funny this week:
More about this amazing project here.
Rory’s newsletter is a brilliant mix of techy and Parky. I highly recommend it. This post is lovely.
A wonderful post about hope, determination and fun from ParkyBoy.
Is there anything good about living with Parkinson’s disease? Excellent article from Twitchy Woman.
Please share in the commnets some ‘news’ you have found to be life enhancing this week.
So, Emma this newsletter you write?…ahem.*
With love
Emma xx
*Please keep reading!! 🥹
Thank you for featuring my post x
Love that correction notice!!