Welcome & hello to all the new faces round here & sloppy kisses to the older ones :)
Well. Erm…hi 👋🏻😬
I know, I know after proclaiming full engagement at the beginning of the year I have resolutely been neglecting you.
I have an excuse, honest, guv.
I have been painting like a bat out of hell. Building my art website, framing up my little paintings and generally promoting the butt off that shit.
Because, you know, I need to get things moving. That’s a Parkinson’s funny, that is.
There is a terror of having no money in the future, I chat about it here. And if not being able to afford wine isn’t enough to galvanise me into action, then nothing is! Apathy be damned.
So, my darling readers, I shall return with full and luscious posts but if you can bear with me for a few more weeks as I get things sorted.
Because I am a very lucky gal, I know many of you will be interested in my art here are a few links etc:
10% Discount code: PARKYPALS10
With love
P.S Parkinson’s day/month can bugger off.
Beautiful — I’ll be reaching out for a piece. Hear hear on Parkinson’s month.
Getting things moving…when we were children, we used to be puzzled why grandpa’s fingers would move so much whilst resting one hand on the table.
Congratulations, I’m cheering for you with your art!!