Hello! Sorry for the radio silence the last week or so. Been a bit under the weather. Welcome to all the new faces, hopefully, I won’t disappoint with all the swearing😅
The best festival of the year is almost upon us. Don’t chatter to me about Christmas with all its mad pressure-laden nonsense. Nope.
We all know that Hallowe’en trumps everything. With pumpkins, costumes, candlelight, fire, mulled cider, comfort food, darker nights, frosty days and of course, magic. None of those tinsely-chimney-ninja-starry-eyed-children antics. Proper afterlife, ghoulies and ghosties and things that go bump-in-the-night kind of magic.
Anyway, before this ends in a fight of hexes and baubles - let’s talk about our favourite subject - fucking Parkinson’s.
How's yours doing? Mine's shit.
Ok, ok. I need to work on my positivity a bit!
How about a rephrase, it's shit but I'm ok with that?
Yeah. Why am I ok with that? Because there's not much in the way of options.
I have been a bit under the weather with a cold that hasn't quite materialised. It has loitered with malignancy, waiting for that moment when I do just a little too much, and it gets to unleash hell. So I have tried to take it easy.
I have talked about the challenge of forced self-care, which leads to the peculiar pressure of running out of time. I don’t believe that I have enough time to rest before PD gobbles me up into a static concrete block. As a result, rest and taking it easy becomes an almighty fight with my brain freaking out and my body simply saying no. Not wildly conducive to feeling well.
Yet, in an unprecedented run of events, I have actually managed a sort of switch-off.
«Thank you for the applause»
Now if one of you could kindly tell me why and how I have achieved this feat, I'd be eternally grateful.
People with Parkinson's spend as much time trying to determine what went right as what is going wrong. But this time, I had sufficient apathy to not care and not analyse every tiny twitch that I believe, I actually rested. Of course, this is such a novelty to my body that it's in a state of shock.
In fact the greedy so and so is demanding more, so I am fighting to stay awake now. Never rains but it pisses on my parade.
It’s a weird old place we find ourselves in, the special vortex of well and unwell.
Anyway in other news, I have some lovely new extracts from the work-in-progress book that will be landing in your inboxes early next week.
And finally, the revised, revamped and generally sexy A-Z of Parkinson’s Ebook is ready to be sent to all my lovely paying subscribers. Look for it soon :)
So you see I am kind of on it!
Do let me know how you balance these funny moments where you feel sort of better and sort of not.
with love
E xxx
I forgot the audio version ...oops...here is the link :) https://www.whostolemydopamine.com/p/audio-im-humerus
No advice from me - I'm still terrible at it after 27 years of practice! Good to hear you're getting better at it xxx