Hello lovelies, Thank you for the incredible birthday wishes, wine donations and subscriptions! Love ya 😘
So the whack on the head I achieved whilst hoovering last week was a concussion which has been fun! Disclaimer: No sarcasm is found in this newsletter.
Between sleepless nights, head trauma, and general pain I’m feeling pretty despondent and pissed off with damn Parkinson’s. So I‘m taking a wee break from these messages for a few weeks.
I am going to concentrate on Tumbled and a few arty projects. Tumbled is getting beaten into shape and heading towards a real book. You can keep up-to-date over here on all the happenings.
‘Wait a sec, Emma, what the hell is Tumbled?’
Well, dearest readers, it is a memoir about lost love, found love, connecting with places we call home, chronic illness and parenting. Somehow the bloody children have got themselves entrenched on the pages…now I can’t get rid of them. Daisy tries to convince me she is the star of the show!! Can you tell she’s going to be an actress or something?
Tumbled is really a rom-com about Parkinson’s…because that’s hilarious. Ahem.
Anyway, I’ll see you in a few weeks.
with love
Emma x
Take care of yourself, my love - just come back when you’re ready xxx