Our community is growing and I want to share our stories.
This isn’t about being ‘an inspiration’ 🙄 or any of that bollox. It is about the good stuff, the laughter, the loneliness, the desperation, the pain, the victories, the love, the boredom and all the bits in between.
So, the premise is simple:
Send me a story about your experience with Parkinson’s or perhaps when you are having one of those rare moments when it’s NOT featuring.
It can be:
written piece (no limit: 2 words or a novel)
voice recording/message
piece of music
link to something you have made before
Something that sums up a moment in your Parky journey.
It will be published here and shared with my subscribers with your name and links (you can remain anonymous, of course)
SEND HERE: emma@whostolemydopamine.com
Things you might want to share:
date of diagnosis
when you first started realising things weren’t quite right
things that make it bearable
things that make it un-bearable
lack of support
the funny bits
the sad bits
your favourite tipple
hopes/fears for the future
terrible puns & jokes
Frankly, my lovelies, it’s YOUR story…so anything goes.
I really can’t wait to see what we can make!
with love
Emma x