Well, here we are.
Only no one is quite sure where ‘here’ is. Is it a new start? Is it that the interminable month of January has an end in sight? Is it the beginning or end of hasty unachievable resolutions?
Frankly, nobody knows.
All we know is that we are here. Or more properly, you are here reading this and wondering why the hell I have been so slack! “I mean, Emma, what the actual… Where have you been?!” I hear you cry.
It’s been a year. (2024 is shaping up and we are only 30 millionty days in) But 2023 was a YEAR.
Don’t panic dearest reader, I will not bore you with a breakdown. There’s quite enough of that going around. No, suffice to say I got really (like proper) pissed off writing and thinking about Parkinson’s. So I played the ‘pretend I don’t have it’ card.
That went well.
Which means, my dearest darlings, I’m back to swearing profusely about this most annoying of conditions and hopefully giving you something to chuckle about, too.
Out this Thursday 6 pm (GMT) an email stuffed with witticisms, observations, comradery and vital parky tips shall land in your mailbox all tied up with a pretty bow.
with love
Emma xx
P.S. You might be new here or have a memory like mine… intermittent. Either way here are some previous offerings my readers seemed to enjoy:
‘Sup Britches - Where Emma talks dressing
Fabulous, darling - Where Emma talks women & PD
On the wrong path-ogen - Where Emma isn’t feeling brave
P.P.S. As ever hit reply or leave a comment on any topics you’d like me to tackle.
Howdy, E. Good to see you're back. I have been at this (trying to take the humorous high road to PD) not even two years now and I have disappeared on two occasions for months at a time. Living with it doesn't mean I can always laugh at it. I find PD is a lot like Ricky Gervais - most of the time he is funny as hell, but sometimes he makes me cry.
So good
To read that you’re back and fighting fit
Just before I opened your post I wrote to potential new friend @
“people seem to get strength from giving themselves insta name tags like fightingpd etc I prefer not to identify as being a Parkie person but accept it as fucking tedious thing that makes my life hell now and then “